In this project, my goal was to make AI controlled cars which drove around a track. I did this using reinforcement learning and checkpointed the track, rewarding it for each checkpoint and punishing for going backwards or hitting the wall. Eventually (Incredibly long time) the AI got the hang of the track and was able to complete it faster than me. In the future I hope to add more tracks and potentially add a track builder.
This project is what you are currently looking at. This very website. I learnt all sorts of skills here such as port forwarding, DNS configuration, firewalls, prevention methods for cyber attacks (Malware, DDoS, Worms and Trojans), SSL's and of course HTML, CSS and basic Java. This project took quite a long time as there is a lot to research, but the practical applications are well worth the effort. In the future I am going to work on using a database to create accounts.
Python is the first language I learnt, later followed by C# and basic C++. I thought before I moved on to another language I should really test how much I learnt. It was in this time that I decided to make a virtual assistant (sort of like Google Home or Alexa, just no where near as advanced). It could do simple things like creating user profiles by asking questions, search the internet for questions you ask it, tell horrible dad jokes and quite a bit more. In this project I leanrt how to use speech recognition, permanent storage, text to speech and a lot more application for API's.